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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


August 2018


August 2018


Эля (2018-08-29)

Banana Homton is produce at Thailand. But they are farming by 400 over farmers. And they sale to members of COOP Japan. So they have only for traceability number seal.
Can you check below.
You can see
1. The farmers name
2.Group name of the farmer
3.harvest date
6. Pesticide residue test results
And the message of our farmers.

michael (2018-08-29)

@Bert: This new labels show the Japanese word "バナナ" which means "Banana". So, for me it is quite likely a banana label.

@all: I would be happy, when collectors are adding new labels they give also their verification or add a comment, why the label is added to the BLC. I think we need more verifications especially about the Aisan (i.e. Philippine & Thailand) labels.

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