Flowers: Ecuador

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


February 2018


February 2018


Jiranek (2021-06-05)

Finding a banana = pink

bertieboy (2018-03-07)

On the chiquita "blue sticker" site, they show set of six labels from Costa Rica

michael (2018-02-19)

Maybe it is a set only of 3 labels and there are some misprints shown at FB.

We had a discussion about this last weekend at Facebook. There are many misprints shown and added to this catalog. It is not clear whether this labels are used on bananas (banana label) or are unsuccessful prove prints of a copy shop (waste). I asked to mention it in the post, but just the other day we have the same situation again.

In this situation it would help, if more collectors give their opinion and verify the labels with one to five check marks. If we have enough votes we can REJECT the labels to be a banana label. If there are only the two usual votes from Peter and me, it is not enough to reject labels. If 10 collectors say: No this is waste for me, than this is a statement that would count.

To be honest, I do not really understand why some collectors do not give feedback and vote at least the 5 labels per visit. Are there other ideas to separte banana labels from waste?

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