To Go: Dome Labels

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


January 2017


January 2017


PETER NIESSEN (2023-09-22)

Intense blue and round corners. Comparison to the lighter blue version added as a docu.

michael (2019-05-27)

OK. If you have a better scan in 300dpi, please add it.

Ferrin (2019-05-27)

The code above as a wave is not straight.
Is not it a mistake.

michael (2019-05-27)

My guess is, that orange is missing. What are 'level code lines'?

Ferrin (2019-05-26)

It's an original label. You level code lines - are irregular.

michael (2018-07-25)

We have a certification with 5✓, however I think this is only a misprint where the orange is missing and it is probably not used on bananas?

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