Farmnumber: ∅

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


January 2017


January 2017


Zabava (2021-02-06)

Small ®

michael (2019-08-11)

When you search for MANZANO you get

  • #4232 (1) - this one
  • #4233 (59)

So I would say a rare misspelling. It will beat the most famous post-stamp in the world, the "Blue Mauritius".

PETER NIESSEN (2019-08-11)

Different PLU. Is it posible, that two different PLU codes exist for the same product? Or is it just a printing error? Compare to the label with #4233.

Zabava (2019-06-04)

Different barcode

PETER NIESSEN (2018-11-05)

Large ®

PETER NIESSEN (2017-02-21)

Different barcode

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