Horton: Colombia - Plastic

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


July 2019


Michael (2017-01-31)

My stickers are all made of plastic. Smooth and shiny like gift ribbons.

PETER NIESSEN (2017-01-31)

I have a third set as well. Paper version from Colombia, Is this right??

bertieboy (2017-01-30)

My set was found in Sweden and is oval and plastic

PETER NIESSEN (2017-01-29)

Both sets I have (COL and PAN) are plastic. Please confirm there is no paper version. As Michael has some difficulties to distinguish it, Bert could do it.

Michael (2017-01-29)

This label seems not to belong to the COL set. It is round oval instead with flat sites. Could someone please replace the picture with a nice scan in 300dpi?

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