Dole: Sunshine

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


August 2019


Эля (2017-06-27)

from weekend in Thailand

bertieboy (2017-05-11)

I don't think this is a mistake.
Baby Cavendish bananas are grown in some countries

Michael (2017-05-08)

A Cavendish with PLU #4186? Is this a mistake?

bertieboy (2017-03-08)

How about SUNRAYS?

Michael (2017-03-08)

OK. I followed your suggestion. There is now also an catalog entry for the SUNSHINE labels in the ASIA section of DOLE.
Thank you to suggest improvements!

Michael (2017-03-08)

@Claus: We have this label in our collection so I deleted your upload. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Probably the name of this catalog entry is not appropriate, who does have a better one?

Michael (2017-01-16)

Why do we file this labels with the clouds under "Sunshine" ? Do you have a more fitting name for this catalog entry?

PETER NIESSEN (2015-03-29)

The name SPANIA goes back to 1959. It was created in Spain, for exclusive use for citrus, and was a name proving the spanish origin of the fruits, and a kind of quality proof. We can see this name on many older spanish citrus labels, and on orange wrappers as well. That's the reason (for me) for not including this label among banana labels.

Michael (2015-03-28)

It's from Gerry ...

PETER NIESSEN (2015-03-28)

I doiubt, that it is from bananas. SPANIA has been generally used for citrus.

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