Bonanza: 2004 - HABKYC (НАВКУС!)

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


November 2018


Michael (2016-08-12)

I updated the year of issue from 2010 to 2004 and hope one day the collectors will do direct change the description of the labels in the catalog 8-)

Also the brand name is changed to НАВКУС!

bertieboy (2016-08-11)

These were used on Bonanza bananas by a company called Navkus in 2004.
Animated Russian tv cartoon.The characters(9) are known in English as Funny Balls.
Series first aired on TV May 7th 2004

Michael (2015-05-25)

Congratulation Bert, your first uploaded banana label!
Hope to see many, many more! Fantastic, you have done it!

bertieboy (2015-05-25)

This completes the set

Michael (2015-05-22)

OK, now it belongs to BONANZA. But we do not have the rest of the set so far. Can anyone provide us with picutures (scans) of this labels or upload direct?

bananacarril (2015-05-21)

Can't prove it, but believe it is one of the earliest Bonanza labels for the Russian market; part of a whole set. They should be shown together, rather than judged as a single label.

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