F.lli Orsero: Classic Car

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


Mai 2020


Mai 2020


PETER NIESSEN (2022-06-07)

The wheels are gold and white

michael (2022-06-01)

Small variant

PETER NIESSEN (2016-11-24)

Very, very, very dark gold.

PETER NIESSEN (2016-11-24)

The color is not golden, it is a light brown. Wheels are smalles, "QUALITÀ" is larger

PETER NIESSEN (2016-09-15)

Bright yellow outlined. Did they run out of golden ink?

bertieboy (2016-08-11)

Now I know it makes more sense, well done who first spotted it.

Michael (2016-08-11)

Now I know what it is in the left upper corner. I always thought it is the contour of a foreign country, but it is just the driver of the car.


Michael (2016-04-13)

My sister found this label on bananas

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