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Februar 2019


Februar 2019


Ferrin (2020-05-14)

Are these data from 2005?

zantrost (2020-04-14)

Palm oil is produced in Papua New Guinea, bananas in Ivory Coast.

“In the context of our production, we thus provide bananas to various ports of destination, to the regional trade markets in Western Africa and to our customers in the European Union (EU) who assure the ripening and the distribution of the fruits.”

Ferrin (2020-04-13)

So - BANANAS ...
Subsidiary: Papua New Guinea and Ivory Coast.

It is a (rare) banana label from Papua New Guinea (!).

Ferrin (2020-04-13)

SIPEF is a Belgian company, based in Schoten and listed on Euronext Brussels. It currently operates agro-industrial activities in the production of oil palm products, i.e. fresh fruit bunches (FFB), crude palm oil (CPO), palm kernels (PK), crude palm kernel oil (CPKO), as well as natural rubber, tea, B A N A N A S, flowers and foliage.

The Headquarters constitutes a team of about 20 people. The subsidiaries located in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Ivory Coast employ more than 21 000 people.

zantrost (2019-02-17)

Country of this sticker is Guinea (Africa), not Papua new Guinea :)

zantrost (2019-02-17)

Yes, it is mango sticker from Guinea.

Here on page 23 is written more about bananas and mangoes. And mangoes with this sticker on page 31.

Martin S (2019-02-17)

I have seen this label on mangoes. On the website they show a woman placing stickers on bananas, but its another label than this one:
Does anyone recognize the sticker? However, the banana plantations are not in Guinea, but on the Ivory Coast, so this particular label is not on bananas.

michael (2019-02-17)

I guess only palm oil and no bananas at this company. It is a palm tree at the logo and no bananas.

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