Miss: Colombia

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


September 2016


Januar 2017


Michael (2016-09-26)

Yes. There is an additional user role "WEBMASTER" to do bulk changes. It is very easy to use it, but there are many,, many new menue entries to change color, motiv, writing system, text, ....

To keep the catalog simple there are less functions for a "TRAINED" user or a "COLLECTOR".

- Trained: Upload labels and create catalog entries
- Collector: Maintain an own catalog of personal labels (from who do I have the label, since when do I have it and some comments / references to the own catalog)
- Webmaster: Change the data of a complete catalog entry (text on label, county of origin, colors, ...). Delete labels, uploaded from an other collector.

You have got now all permissions and can test it.

Nick (2016-09-26)

Thanks Michael!
It is a complicated and time consuming task for a normal user to move or copy multiple labels from one catalog entry to another. I hope there is an easier and more comfortable way for you as admin.

Michael (2016-09-25)

@Nick: I completed your work to separate all MISS CHIQ labels in catalog entries with the country name.

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