AS Agrososa

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


Oktober 2015


März 2016


Michael (2016-03-22)

Yes,my fault. I had a misspelling in the brand name...

PETER NIESSEN (2016-03-22)

Ha, it is Agrososa and not AGROGOSA

PETER NIESSEN (2016-03-22)

I think, AS is the shortened name for "Agro-Sousa". I would say, that both entries are OK. Sarching for Agrosousa, I had no results, and really didn't see the existing entry.

Michael (2016-03-22)

This label we already have in "AS Agrososa". Should we rename it to "Agrososa" ?

And BTW, the two labels differ a little bit. The black ORGANIC information is at a different hight and there seems to be a white shadow of the brand name "Agrososa". I added a picture with one label above the other and a transarency effect.

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