Fruteria (Lo veo y no lo creo)

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company

"Lo Veo y No lo Creo" = "I see it and I don't believe it"


März 2015


Juni 2017


Michael (2015-10-12)

OK, I deleted my entry and we keep yours.

Michael (2015-09-01)

You will find the MOTIF field, when you edit the label. It is a comma separated list of themes or design patterns. For example "Diamond", "Bird" or "Children". In this case it is a very special motif: "Misspelling".

Just start with a "," to tell the system you have got a new motif and then continue with "missp", the systems autocompletes this. Press the SAVE to save this change in the description of a label.

That's it for the beginning. It is a new feature and not very well explained so far ...

PETER NIESSEN (2015-09-01)

Spelling Mistake. I don't know how to include this label inthe section MISSPELLINGS

PETER NIESSEN (2015-03-20)

A funny brand name: If I see it, I won't believe it!
Besides that, a spelling mistake: Horganico (with "H")

Michael (2015-03-18)

OK, I understand. "Calzade = Street", yes that does not make sense ..

PETER NIESSEN (2015-03-18)

I don't agree. I any case you can put FRUTERIA before the brandname I used. But Frutaría Calzada is wrong, because CALZADA is a similar word for STREET. On the labels the address is indicated as CALZADA A. OLACHEA....

Michael (2015-03-18)

And what about: "Fruteria Calzada"? We already have got some Fruterias ...

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