Vintage: Banana

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


Abril 2019


Abril 2019


bertieboy (2019-11-06)

If you go on ebay you will see model trains with this label, nowhere on the web is this shown as a banana label.

michael (2019-11-04)

Max J: "Hace un tiempo también encontré este promocional. Pero creo que eran como para Oficinas. Tiene un gran parecido"

michael (2019-04-22)

JK: "I think I mentioned this, but that unusual Chiquita is an oldie, but it came from a train friend who had four of them stuck on an old model train car. It seems real enough, and is small like some of the 1960's labels. So I can't say for sure it was ever on bananas, but the fact that he had four of them is interesting."

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