Premium Membership

To run  the catalog of banana labels requires hardware. We like to have a stable and professional full managed server environment. The provider of our catalog takes about 60€ a month due to large amount of data, dataspace and data traffic. This cost we like to share. We created at the BLC a new user group 'Premium Member' of people who support the catalog and pay a financial contribution. 

Premium Members have full access to all information about banana labels at our catalog. This includes statistic, Flipbooks with the new additions and other complete collections and special articles. We gradually shift current functions of the catalog to the new user role of premium members.

I hope you understand this step and help to keep our catalog up and running. If there are any questions, please let me know.




Last modified: 

Okt 2018



Lets hope more collectors become P.M's and help with the costs.

You are right, many

You are right, many collectors like to use it but do not like to pay for it.