What Logo's Color Says About A Company

When it comes to identifying a brand, the logo is probably the first thing a customer will think of. The implications of color’s effect on people’s emotions are far reaching, and understanding the customers’ connections to certain colors could increase the effectiveness of company’s branding methods.

Red is often associated with the heat of sun and fire and is considered a high-arousal color, often stimulating people to take risks, according to color think tank, Pantone. It has also been shown to stimulate the senses and raise blood pressure, and it may arouse feelings of power, energy, passion, love, aggression, or danger

Yellow is often associated with the heat of sun and fire and is considered a high-arousal color. It may stimulate feelings of optimism and hope or cowardice and betrayal.

Orange is often associated with the heat of sun and fire and is considered a high-arousal color. It may stimulate feelings of energy, balance, and warmth.

Green is often associated with the coolness of leaves. People often associate it with nature, health, good luck, and jealousy.

Purple is generally considered a low-arousal color. It may stimulate feelings of spirituality, mystery, royalty, or arrogance.



Last modified: 

Jul 2016