The Catalog needs your help

The catalog of all known banana labels is very huge and well organized. It is build up with love, great care and accuracy. 33,800 different banana labels! The trade function is brillliant and also the possibilities to meet here as a collector of banana labels and to be in touch with friends from all over the world.

This place did not appear from nowhere. I have added 14,500 labels to my initial stock of 11,000 labels and have done many revisions and reorganizations. Each month 250 to 350 new labels are added. It takes a lot of time to keep the catalog up to date. And there is also the IT with software updates and the user support that also needs time and engagement. This is a full time job. As if that is not enough I pay much money for the IT environment because our community does not contibutes significant.

There was in the last 5 years no benefit for me in doing it, even not a single extra banana label for my collection. I do stop it now, it does not make any sense to continue this way. I do not want to give my money and time away for free with no return for the rest of my live. If you support the idea of a common catalog of all known banana labels or if you enjoy this place, there is the need to support the administrator. The administator is doing most of the work and takes most of the cost.

The catalog is only for real helping members. It is NOT for free. If you do not want to spend money I'm fine by that. An alternative idea could be to send 3 or 4 banana labels for my collection as a monthly fee, because I'm an enthusiastic collector of banana labels. Let me know what you like to do to join this community and to consult this unique catalog with more than 33,333 labels from all over the world. Neatly arranged and scanned in best quality.

Please help to operate this catalog with great joy for you and also for me. Collectors who give something back for what they use (what could be the most natural thing) are identified by a gold medal.



Last modified: 

Mar 2020


Make a annual fee.

Make a annual fee.
I am sure genuine collectors would be willing.